ephoto profile wallpaper

O mne

Niečo o mne: My name is Lukas Gal, I currently live in Bratislava, but I was born in Kysuce. I have started my journey with photography 12 years ago, concentrating on landscape and street life. Later I photographed unique wedding of my friend and since then wedding photography has become very close to my heart. I developed my unique style of wedding photography. My style is unobtrusive, journalistic, storytelling and peaceful. I am an observer of your special day and capturing your story and emotions expressed by people. I appreciate personal contact with my clients. I familiarize with their interests, passions and families. It helps me to integrate into their environment without being seen as intruder. I therefore believe that what I do is a life-style and not only a professional occupation. I am an active member of the WEDDING PHOTOJOURNALIST ASSOCIATION (WPJA).
Motto: Life is not measured in minutes, but in moments.
Ponúkam služby: fotenie v exteriéri
fotenie svadieb a akcií
Zameriavam sa na: Digitálna čiernobiela fotografia, Krajina / Cestovanie, Portréty / Ľudia, Street fotografia, Svadba / Rodinná fotografia, Tradičná čiernobiela fotografia, Reportážna a dokumentárna fotografia,

Osobné údaje

Meno: Lukas
Priezvisko: Gal
Mesto: Cadca/BA
Domovská krajina: Slovenská republika

Fotografická odbornosť: Profesionál
Členom ePhota od: 07. 01. 2007
Posledná aktivita: 2016-06-21 13:31:45
Status: offline


Web stránka: http://www.lukasgal.com
Telefón: +421 915 82 78 10


Moje fotoaparáty: Pentax K-7
Pentax K-5
Pentax PZ-1
Pentax PZ-20
Moje objektívy: Pentax 55mm F1.4 SDM smc DA
Pentax DA* 50-135mm f/2.8 ED AL(IF) SDM
Pentax smc P-DA 14mm f/2.8 ED IF
Pentax smc P-DA 40mm f/2.8 Limited
Pentax DA 21mm f/3.2 AL Limited
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