mne sa tato verzia dost pozdava aj ked izzi ma pravdu ze pri foteni proti svetlu sa koli lepsej krezbe foteneho obiektu dost casto vyuziva blesk v tomto pripade sa mi zda tvoja volba obrysoveho osvetlenia asi lepsia koli zvyrazneniu obrysu a fotke to dava iny charakter
ooooo schade dass ich nur duetch lesen beersche und englisch nur bieschen was :DDD Aber etvas habe ich mitgegrigt und gestern hatt das jemand auch gesagt dass am abend drehen sie sich wieder richtung osten.... also danke frs nachschaven
ok plati a daj vediet co na tie slnecnice vravia v google:DDD
haaa,nasla som :-)
Sunflowers in the bud stage exhibit heliotropism. At sunrise, the faces of most sunflowers are turned towards the east. Over the course of the day, they follow the sun from east to west, while at night they return to an eastward orientation. This motion is performed by motor cells in the pulvinus, a flexible segment of the stem just below the bud. As the bud stage ends, the stem stiffens and the blooming stage is reached.
Sunflowers in their blooming stage lose their heliotropic capacity. The stem becomes ´frozen´, typically in an eastward orientation.[citation needed] The stem and leaves lose their green color.
The wild sunflower typically does not turn toward the sun; its flowering heads may face many directions when mature. However, the leaves typically exhibit some heliotropism.
jeeeej, no som zvedava, ci dodrzis slovo, si budem teraz vyckavat na slnecnicoveee foto :-) inak pisali vcera pod fotkou jednou, ze slnecnice su uz navecer unaveneeee a uz maju asi slnka dost...asi uz idu spinkat alebo co ;-), tak nie su otocene k slnku...idem si vygooglit, co mudre k tomu najdem :-D
ok plati a daj vediet co na tie slnecnice vravia v google:DDD
kompozicne to mam z viacerych stran nafotene tak nejaku krasnu vyberiem len a len pre teba:DDDD bodky som aj retusoval bolo ich tam viac fotil som to bez sln.clony tieto mi tam uz nejak nevadili
jeeeej, no som zvedava, ci dodrzis slovo, si budem teraz vyckavat na slnecnicoveee foto :-) inak pisali vcera pod fotkou jednou, ze slnecnice su uz navecer unaveneeee a uz maju asi slnka dost...asi uz idu spinkat alebo co ;-), tak nie su otocene k slnku...idem si vygooglit, co mudre k tomu najdem :-D
pekne, ale slnecnica by sa mi pacila viac zboku ...asi...mozno by nebola taka tmava a tie bodky prec uz aj, sup sup :-)
kompozicne to mam z viacerych stran nafotene tak nejaku krasnu vyberiem len a len pre teba:DDDD bodky som aj retusoval bolo ich tam viac fotil som to bez sln.clony tieto mi tam uz nejak nevadili
Spinky na cipe sa ti nechcu cisit? a ked fotis takto proti slnku, tak v 99% propadoch to musis preblesknut, aby objekt dostal krezbu.
no vidis s tym bleskom som to mohol teda skusit to ma ani nenapadlo viac menej som chcel vyskusat ako bude vyzerat v obrysovom osvetleni kde pri foteni bez blesku viac vyznievaju jej lupienky ked ze stred ostava tmavy ale skusim aj s bleskom lebo sam som zvedavy co bude posobivejsie:DDD ale aj ten spinavy cip prekvapil podla coho sudis ze uz by ho trebalo precistit?
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Zoradiť od najstaršíchSunflowers in the bud stage exhibit heliotropism. At sunrise, the faces of most sunflowers are turned towards the east. Over the course of the day, they follow the sun from east to west, while at night they return to an eastward orientation. This motion is performed by motor cells in the pulvinus, a flexible segment of the stem just below the bud. As the bud stage ends, the stem stiffens and the blooming stage is reached.
Sunflowers in their blooming stage lose their heliotropic capacity. The stem becomes ´frozen´, typically in an eastward orientation.[citation needed] The stem and leaves lose their green color.
The wild sunflower typically does not turn toward the sun; its flowering heads may face many directions when mature. However, the leaves typically exhibit some heliotropism.
(nevadi, asi pozovala tebe :-)