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2009-06-10 15:25:59
Pekna kresba
Tech. kvalita: 7 | Kompozícia: 7 | Impakt: 7 | Priemer: 7.00
2009-06-10 08:57:03
neber to ako buzeraciu, skus sa zamysliet akym sposobom fotit (reagujem na Tvoj popis: Sedela na vajickach a bola dost agresivna a nasrata ked som sa priblizil. Samec sedel opodial a tiez na mna ´vrcal´)

Wildlife Code of Ethics
First and foremost, view wildlife from a safe distance for both you and them. Respect their spatial needs. If the animal interrupts its behavior (resting, feeding, etc.), then you are too close and must distance yourself.
Never force an action. Be patient! The most beautiful photographs result from natural action.
Never come between a parent and its offspring. I’ve seen tiny bear cubs distressed, treed then separated from their mother by a throng of tourists eager for a closer look. This is unacceptable behavior.
Never crowd, pursue, prevent escape, make deliberate noises to distract, startle or harass wildlife. This is stressful and wastes valuable energy in needless flight. The impact is cumulative. Consider that you may be the 65th person to yell “hey moose” at that animal that day while it’s attempting to tend to its young.
Never feed or leave food (baiting) for wildlife. Habituation due to handouts can result in disease or even death of that animal and injury to you.
Never encroach on nests or dens as certain species will abandon their young.
Never interfere with animals engaged in breeding, nesting, or caring for young.
Learn to recognize wildlife alarm signals and never forget that these animals are NOT tame no matter how docile or cuddly they appear. No one would argue that you should not try to pet a bull yet there have been numerous instances where a tourist attempted to have his/her photo taken next to a bison with disastrous consequences.
Do not damage or remove any plant, life form or natural object. Do pack out trash.
Acquaint yourself with and respect the behaviors and ecosystems of the wildlife you may encounter. By doing so, you will enrich your experience tremendously.
Finally, and most significant, remember that the welfare of the subject and habitat are irrefutably more important than the photograph.
2009-06-09 08:47:27
...ešte aj s kvietkami :)...parádne
Tech. kvalita: 7 | Kompozícia: 7 | Impakt: 7 | Priemer: 7.00
2009-06-08 08:21:43
bodaj by nevrcal ked mu lezes za zenskou :DDDD Je to velmi pekne a super TK
Tech. kvalita: 7 | Kompozícia: 7 | Impakt: 7 | Priemer: 7.00
2009-06-07 18:23:52
príspevok od: Koritko_Erik
o techniku nejde
Viem že technika nie je prvoradá, ale pri takomto druhe fotiek dosť pomôže
2009-06-07 14:04:38
príspevok od: VrbiM
Pekné, s takou technikou sa dá fotiť :-)
o techniku nejde
2009-06-07 12:22:33
Pekné, s takou technikou sa dá fotiť :-)
Tech. kvalita: 7 | Kompozícia: 7 | Impakt: 6 | Priemer: 6.67
2009-06-07 12:21:42
perfektna ostrost,zaujimava poza
Tech. kvalita: 7 | Kompozícia: 6 | Impakt: 7 | Priemer: 6.67
externý redaktor 2009-06-07 11:54:56
len dufam, ze k tejto ostrosti sa coskoro dopracujem ... super
Tech. kvalita: 7 | Kompozícia: 7 | Impakt: 7 | Priemer: 7.00
2009-06-07 11:47:24
pekne,ostre ako britva,,,
Tech. kvalita: 7 | Kompozícia: 6 | Impakt: 6 | Priemer: 6.33
ocenenie redakciou 2009-06-07 11:05:09
pekný moment
Tech. kvalita: 7 | Kompozícia: 6 | Impakt: 7 | Priemer: 6.67
2009-06-07 10:32:03
(:D popis)foto super..
Tech. kvalita: 7 | Kompozícia: 7 | Impakt: 7 | Priemer: 7.00
2009-06-07 10:18:13
Mňa fascinujú tie zelené kormoránie oči.
Tech. kvalita: 6 | Kompozícia: 7 | Impakt: 7 | Priemer: 6.67
2009-06-07 01:37:20
elle est trop bien celle la :)
Tech. kvalita: 7 | Kompozícia: 7 | Impakt: 7 | Priemer: 7.00
2009-06-07 01:23:01
krasne farby peria :)
Tech. kvalita: 7 | Kompozícia: 7 | Impakt: 7 | Priemer: 7.00
2009-06-07 00:22:32
tento komentár bol zmazaný pri odstránení užívateľského konta autora.
ocenenie redakciou 2009-06-07 00:21:46
ma riadne oko :)
2009-06-07 00:21:23
Pekný úlovok. Je to zážitok byť tak blízko ...
Tech. kvalita: 7 | Kompozícia: 7 | Impakt: 7 | Priemer: 7.00

Technika: Sony A7r, Sony A7, Sony Alpha DSLR-A700, Sony Alpha DSLR-A900, Sony A6000, Sony SLT-A77, Sony SLT-A99,

Objektívy: Zeiss Touit 32mm f/1.8, Sony E 16mm F2.8 Pancake, Sony 16 – 35 mm F2,8 ZA SSM, Minolta AF 300 mm f/4 APO G HS, Sony E 30mm F3.5 Macro, Sony - 18-105 F4 G PZ OSS, Sony 16 – 35 mm F2,8 ZA SSM24 - 70 mm F2,8 ZA SSM, Sony 50 mm F1,4 ZA SSM, Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8, Sony 70-400mm f/4-5.6 SAL-70400G, Minolta 400mm f/4.5 AF HS APO G, Sony DT 11-18 mm f/4,5-5,6 SAL-1118, Minolta AF 80-200mm f/2.8 HS-APO G, Sony 135mm f/1.8 SAL-135F18, Sony 16mm f/2.8 SAL-16F28, Sony 500mm f/8 SAL-500F80, Sony 50mm f/1.4 SAL-50F14, Sony 85mm f/1.4 SAL-85F14, FE 70 – 200 mm F4 G OSS SEL70200G,

Fotoaparát: Sony Alpha DSLR-A700
Objektív: Tokina 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6 AT-X AF
Pridané: 2009-06-07 00:15:33
Na kritiku: 2009-06-07 00:15:33
Miesto:Irish eye
Témy: portrét, príroda, zvieratá / wildlife
Albumy: Priroda
Sedela na vajickach a bola dost agresivna a nasrata ked som sa priblizil. Samec sedel opodial a tiez na mna "vrcal"