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2011-07-10 21:55:37
2011-07-10 21:55:18
sry za spam ale tu sú obrázky , nespravil som vela ,a bol som lenivý zliezť tribúny na lepšie miesto na zemi alebo bolo hádam 36°C v chládku
2011-07-10 21:45:53
príspevok od: rehmn
If so, the rider is Lajos Kassai and the horse is Keszi...
What concerns the photo: bad focus, wrong crop, no dynamic action. And in this case the B/W is a disadvantage as this event and a place is full of colors.
If you have been there, you should have some better ones, I am sure...
Original fotka 26x zoom , voľne som to držal vruke ... www.ephoto.sk/fotogaleria/fotografie/214910/lajos-kassai/
2011-07-10 21:40:29
príspevok od: rehmn
If so, the rider is Lajos Kassai and the horse is Keszi...
What concerns the photo: bad focus, wrong crop, no dynamic action. And in this case the B/W is a disadvantage as this event and a place is full of colors.
If you have been there, you should have some better ones, I am sure...
toto neni original fotka , držal som to v ruke , 26x zoom :/
2011-07-10 20:47:51
If so, the rider is Lajos Kassai and the horse is Keszi...
What concerns the photo: bad focus, wrong crop, no dynamic action. And in this case the B/W is a disadvantage as this event and a place is full of colors.
If you have been there, you should have some better ones, I am sure...
Clona: 5.6
Expozícia: 1/400.00 sec
ISO: 200
Fotoaparát: Fujifilm FinePix HS10
Ohnisko: 110.7 mm
Pridané: 2011-07-10 19:52:31
Na kritiku: 2011-07-10 19:53:55
Témy: dokument a reportáž, história, zvieratá / wildlife
Visegrad International Royal Palace Fair  //