ephoto profile wallpaper

O mne

Niečo o mne: She is now writer but at her past she don't like to involved in this field because of her parents. Christie's parents are so strict and they are reason which force her to choose this field the parents even scolds her. But, at now she loves to do this job because she born a interest in her for the writing field and this field makes her to be in the top of the chart.
Ponúkam služby:
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Osobné údaje

Meno: Christie
Priezvisko: Patterson
Domovská krajina: Spojené kráľovstvo (Veľká Británia)

Fotografická odbornosť:
Členom ePhota od: 08. 01. 2024
Posledná aktivita: 2024-01-08 12:24:39
Status: offline


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